News & Information Portal
Eric Brenner / EPITIPPS

Epidemiology & Infectious Disease
in Global Context


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Emergency Operations Center (EOC) assisting partners in responding to the novel (new) coronavirus outbreak first identified in Wuhan, China. (CDC/ Unsplash)




COVID-19 in the News

World news from sources including: CNN, LA Times, NPR, New York Times, UPI, and Washington Post.


Epidemiology & Infectious Disease


Epidemiology in the News

News from sources including: CNN, Google News, LA Times, NPR, New York Times, UPI, and Washington Post.


Infectious Disease in the News

News from sources including: CNN, Google News, LA Times, NPR, New York Times, UPI, and Washington Post.


Epidemiology & Infectious Disease


Epidemiology in the News

News from sources including: CNN, Google News, LA Times, NPR, New York Times, UPI, and Washington Post.


Infectious Disease in the News

News from sources including: CNN, Google News, LA Times, NPR, New York Times, UPI, and Washington Post.


Global Health & Health Informatics


Global Health in the News

World news from US sources, including: NPR, LA Times, New York Times, UPI and Washington Post.


Public Health Informatics in the News

World news from OECD sources, including: BBC, CBC, Deutsche Welle, and Financial Times.