Advanced Search

Lagos, Nigeria.
(Sheyi Owolabi / Unsplash)


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Paste above to try:

  • off-shore wind energy Africa more:IGO more:Energ-Clim filetype:pdf after:2020-06-01

  • urban mobility Asia more:BUSS more:ECA after:2019-06-01

  • Africa economy more:Wkly-Mnthly more:IntRel-IntSec -pandemic after:2020-01-01



  • Search as you would in Google.

  • Restrict by adding labels, including for:

    • Organization Type (e.g. “University”)

    • HQ Location (e.g. “London”, “India").

  • See Guide and Labels Reference below.


Step 1 — Search as you would in a normal Google search.

  • The most common filter options for your query will appear in tabs above your search results.

  • Clicking on a tab will limit your results to those that match.

Step 2 — Add some more: operators and labels.

Optionally, narrow your search using one or several more: operators and labels (see complete reference tables below).

  • After a more: operator, add a label for an organization's type; the communities of practice to which it belongs; or its headquarters city, state/province (where applicable), or country.

    • Example 1: to find pages or documents about water purification issued by inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) based in Geneva, Switzerland, enter "water purification" more:IGO more:Geneva.

    • Example 2: to find pages or documents about geoeconomics and South-east Asia issued by organizations of any type belonging to the International relations & international security community of practice, and based in Washington, DC, enter geo-economics "Southeast Asia" more:IntRel-IntSec more:DC.

  • Note: Using multiple more:label limiters will yield the union set of results (i.e. the more: operator has an implicit “and”). Thus, entering any topic and more:Switzerland more:France should yield zero results.

  • Note: Labels are NOT case-sensitive.

  • Note: The more: operator IS case-sensitive.

Step 3 — Add some other advanced search operators.

Optionally, combine one or several more: operators with Google advanced search operators, such as OR, -, *site:, filetype:, language:, region:, before:, after:, and related:.

  • Example 1: to find pages or documents about LiFePO4 batteries issued by businesses in the United States and updated since Jan. 1, 2018, enter LiFePO4 battery more:Buss more:United_States after:2018-01-01

  • Example 2: to find .pdf documents on the finance of solar power in Africa by banks in the private sector, on pages updated between Jan. 1, 2012 and Jan. 1, 2020, enter solar Africa more:Fin-Bank filetype:pdf after:2012-01-01 before:2020-01-01

  • Note: Google does not provide an authoritative reference to its mostly stable, sometimes changing list of advanced operators. For more information, see Google’s Advanced Search page, and this reference guide by Google Senior Research Scientist Daniel Russell.

More on Labels and How to Use Them

  • Organization types include: ACAD (academia), BUSS (businesses), FOUND (foundations & other philanthropies), and GOVPUB (governmental and inter-governmental organizations, and the public sector generally).

    • Organizations belong to a single type and (where applicable) a single sub-type. For instance, type GOVPUB has four sub-types, including GO (governmental organization) and IGO (inter-governmental organization).

    • Use either a type or sub-type label, as appropriate to your search.

    • Please see the complete list below.

  • Communities of practice include: Energ-Clim (Energy & Climate), Health-Med (Public Health & Medicine), Transpt (Transportation), and Wat-San (Water & Sanitation).

    • Organizations may belong to one or several communities of practice.

    • Please see the complete list below.

  • Location labels are included for the city, country, and (in select countries) state/province in which an organization’s main headquarters is located.

    • Use the location label at the level of specificity appropriate to your search. Thus, to find pages or documents about “ocean health” published by international organizations based in Geneva, Switzerland, enter “ocean health” more:IGO more:Geneva.

    • Country-name labels follow the World Bank country classification (omitting any commas). Generally, enter the common name of the country in English, e.g. more:India, more:Kenya, more:United_Kingdom

    • US states, Canadian provinces, and Australian states/territories may be searched by their two or three letter abbreviations, e.g. more:NY, more:QC, more:VIC.

    • For best results, join words in multi-word location labels with an underscore, e.g. more:United_States.

    • In addition, organizations other than IGOs and public-sector led international partnerships (Partner-Gov) are labelled according to the World Bank Region in which their headquarters are located:

      • NAM - North America

      • LAC - Latin America & the Carribean

      • ECA - Europe & Central Asia

      • MENA - Middle East & North Africa

      • SSA - Sub-saharan Africa

      • SAS - South Asia

      • EAP - East Asia & the Pacific

    • IGOs and public-sector led international partnerships do not belong to any single country (or in many instances, any single region). Accordingly, in place of a World Bank region label, they are labelled as follows:

      • INT-Global - Global IGOs and partnerships, e.g. World Bank (IBRD), Global Partnership to Stop TB

      • INT-Americas - Pan-American IGOs and partnerships, e.g. Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)

      • INT-Europe - European IGOs and partnerships, e.g. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

      • INT-Africa - African IGOs and partnerships, e.g. African Union (AU)

      • INT-Asia - Asian IGOs and partnerships, e.g. Asian Development Bank (ADB)

  • Finally, all organizations other than IGOs and public-sector led international partnerships are labeled according to whether or not they are headquartered in the EU (EU or EU-no) and in an OECD country (OECD or OECD-no).

    • To find pages or documents issued by organizations based in Europe or Central Asia, enter more:ECA

    • To find pages or documents issued by organizations based in the EU, enter more:EU

    • To find pages or documents issued by organizations based in European or Central Asian countries outside the EU, enter more:ECA more:EU-no

Labels Reference Tables

1. Organization Types

Organization Type /
"More:" Label
Academia ACAD
Academic medical centers & teaching hospitals Hosp/MedCtr
Universities & colleges University
Business BUSS
Accelerators, incubators, & co-working spaces Accellerator
Business or finance-sector associations Assoc-Buss
Business or finance-led meetings, conferences and events Event-Buss
Business or finance-led local economic development organizations LED-Buss
Business or finance-led partnerships Partner-Buss
For-profit innovators Firm
Finance FINAN
Angel investor associations Fin-AA
Angel investors Fin-AI
Banks Fin-Bank
Institutional investors Fin-II
Private equity firms Fin-PE
Venture capital & social venture capital orgs. Fin-VC
Foundations & the philanthropic sector FOUND
Private foundations Foundation
Community foundations and other organizations Found-org
Government & the international public sector GOVPUB
Governmental organizations -- local, sub-national and national GO
Intergovernmental organizations IGO
Public-sector-led meetings, conferences & events Event-Gov
Public-sector-led local economic development organizations LED-Gov
Public-sector-led public-private partnerships Partner-Gov
NGOs/CSOs & other third-sector issue organizations CS-ISSUE
Alumni organizations Alum
Civil-society associations and coalitions Assoc-CS
Professional, scientific and honorary societies and associations Assoc-ProfSci
Civil-society-led meetings, conferences and other events Event-CS
Civil-society-led local economic development organizations LED-CS
Non-profit organization innovators NGO
Non-profit organizations focused on policy and/or issue advocacy NGO-PolAdv
Civil-society-led public-private partnerships Partner-CS
Labor unions Union
Academic journals Acad-Jnl
Daily newspapers Daily-paper
Weeklies, monthlies, and other periodicals Wkly-Mnthly
Press-release wire services PR-wire
Radio networks Radio
TV and multimedia networks TV
Web-only publications Web
Wire services (news) Wire
Partisan political organizations Polit-org
Religious organizations Relig-org
Other organizations Other-org
Specialized service organizations (SSO), including law firms, consultancies, PR firms, and others SSO
Law firms Law-org
Management consultancies Mgmt-org
Public relations & public affairs firms PR-PA-org
Others Serve-org
Think-tanks and other research & analysis organizations THINK
Think tanks Think-Tank
Other research & analysis organizations Think-org

2. Communities of Practice

Community of Practice

“More:” Label

Agriculture & forestry




Economics & economic policy




Energy & climate


Environment & natural resources




Global development


Habitat, architecture, & urban design


Human rights


Humanitarian emergencies & disaster relief / recovery


Hunger & nutrition


Industrial design


Information & communications technology




International relations & international security


Labor & employment


Law, government & politics


Local economic development








Multiple / Universal (a label for organizations of unrestricted scope, such as national governments, the United Nations, and research universities)




Media, communications, government & public relations






Population, demographics & reproductive health


Public health & medicine


Science, technology & innovation


Social enterprise


Social protection


Trade, business & commerce


Transportation & related infrastructure


Water & sanitation


Women & gender
